The normal neck has a “C” shaped curve, allowing the weight of the head to be distributed over the joints of the neck. When the head is held in a forward posture, the load on the neck joints and muscles changes, and can lead to neck pain, headaches and other problems. Common causes include poor ergonomics, poor posture habits, and too much reading, computer use, cell phone texting and more.

The upper crossed syndrome produces:

  • Forward translation of the head
  • Overuse of the trapezius (upper shoulder) and suboccipital (below the skull) muscles
  • Rounding of the shoulders
  • Shortening of the chest muscles
  • Weakness of the upper back muscles

These postural changes result in chronic neck pain and headaches. Correcting cervical spine kyphosis involves a number of approaches, include postural exercises, manipulation to restore joint function and therapy to reduce pain and muscle spasm, among other approaches.

Neck pain has many causes, including:

  1. Côté P, Cassidy D, Carroll L. The Saskatchewan health and back pain survey: the prevalence of neck pain and related disability in Saskatchewan adults. Spine 1998;23:1689–1698.
  2. Côté P, Cassidy D, Carroll L, Kristman V. The annual incidence and course of neck pain in the general population: a population-based cohort study. Pain 2004: 112:267-273.