Receiving word that your child has been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis can be devastating. Parents naturally want what is best for their young ones, especially in the way of health and happiness. Multiple sclerosis is a condition that can be challenging and life altering. What is MS? What can be done to help treat the condition?

Nerve Damage and MS

Each nerve cell has a protective coating called the myelin sheath. For individuals with MS, this sheath is damaged. Nerve cells play an integral part in the communication between the central nervous system and the rest of the body. Damage to these cells slows down or stops normal communication. How do these cells become damaged?

An autoimmune reaction is normally blamed for the attacks to the myelin sheath. As far as what triggers this type of response in the first place, there are a few ideas. One theory, in particular, has been getting more attention due to research results. It centers on what is known as chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency or CCSVI. CCSVI is obstructed venous flow, particularly as it pertains to the draining of the brain and spinal cord. The condition correlates closely to MS. The structural issues within the vascular network can create a host of issues. Research is pointing to multiple sclerosis as one of them.

Upper Cervical Care and Multiple Sclerosis

Links between the uppermost vertebrae in the neck and MS continue to be found. One study published noted that 100% of the participants with MS had a history of an injury resulting in the misalignment of the upper cervical vertebrae. Another more recent study showed the dramatic benefits that realigning these vertebrae had on the disease. In one case study, the reversal of MS symptoms was documented. These findings highlight the close link between upper neck alignment and the debilitating neurological effects of MS.

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